Your Trusted Partners in various Legal Problems
Indian Legal Consultants, an International law firms is engaged in offering solutions pertaining to commercial and economic problems. Backed by an experienced team of law practitioners, we have achieved expertise in rendering customized practical solutions related to Intellectual Property Law Rights, trademark, patent, design & copyright and so on. Blending experience with youth, we have been providing valuable options to lawyers, judges, Trademark & Patent attorneys/Agents, Engineers, Scientists, Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, Arbitrators, Corporate Specialists, and esteemed and prestigious firms of the world to deal with various inevitable contingencies. Due to our unmatched services, we have achieved the certification of one of the best I P Law Firm in India. Today, we have carved a niche as one of the notable providers of Legal Consultant Services, Trademark Legal Services and patent legal services. Adhering to national and international laws, we provide services that are sure to meet the expectations of the clients. With our client centric approach, we have been offering profitable deals to the clients with minimum investment. Our right business policies have assisted us in garnering a long list of valuable clients based in India, USA, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Australia, Spain, Brazil, South Africa, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore and South Korea. Since we believe in hard work and quality work, we will do whatever it takes to make a client happy and satisfied.

Who we are
Indian Legal Consultants, based in Delhi, is one of the fastest progressing Law Firm in India & Abroad of the modern time.

Our People
With their profound domain knowledge and extensive practice experience, our attorneys play a significant role to provide you better services.

Our Reach
We are an intellectual property law firm based in India that has forged global relationships and developed an international reach.

IP Services
We implement comprehensive service and advice in a wide spectrum of intellectual property issues. We have realms of experience in IP Law.
Our Services
Designs Registration
Designs play a real life role in the modern world. Design means only the feature of shape, configuration, pattern, ornament or composition of lines or colours applied to any article whether in two dimensional or three dimensional or in both forms, by any industrial process or means, whether manual, mechanical or chemical, separate or combined,
Intellectual Property Rights
Intellectual Property Law Rights is one of the fastest growing concepts in modern world. Today each and every proprietor, user is trying to protect his intellectual property by some way or the other. IPR in India has flourished tremendously in the last ten years. In order to take optimum advantage of the rights attached to Intellectual Property Rights its is extremely necessary to register it.
Company Registration Service
The following types of Business entitles are available in India :
Limited Liability Partnership, LLP in India
A law to allow “Limited Liability Partnership” (LLP) in India has been enacted by the Parliament of India recently.
- Private Limited Company
- Public Limited Company
- Unlimited Company
- Sole Proprietorship
Copyright Services
Copyright means the exclusive right subject to the provisions of this Act, to do or authorize the doing of any of the following acts in respect of a work or any substantial part thereof, namely:-in case of literary, dramatic or musical work.
-To reproduce the work in any material form including the storing of it in any medium by electronic means,
-To issue copies of the work to the public not being copies already in circulation
Legal Service Consultant
We are well reckoned as one of the reliable Legal Service Consultants. Our experienced team of lawyers / solicitors handles a comprehensive range of litigations in City Civil Courts and High Courts throughout India. We represent companies, partnerships, sole traders and other organizations (Charitable, Trusts, etc.) in Civil, Criminal, Arbitration and Conciliation Proceedings.
Patent Services
Patent in India is mainly granted on the fulfilment of three most important points i.e., whether the invention is new, whether it involves an inventive step and whether it is capable of industrial application. By new invention we mean any invention or technology which has not been anticipated by publication in any document or used in the country or elsewhere in the world before the date of filing of patent application with complete specification.